My T3104 came with a cd burner. I upgraded it to a DVD burner. I have NEVER had a problem with it. I have several mvies and such I have made over the years. I thought OK...It's DEAD. I replaced it with a WORKING Phillips brand out of a DELL computer I have been cleaning up for a family member. I did NOT try it before changeing them oput. I mean how many times do you have 2 working DVD burners work fine one minute. Swap them out and Nothing works? I am NOT A MASTER TECH nor does it say "First Day on the Job" on my shirt. There isn't a whole lot I haven't muddled through in the last almost 15 years. I have even gotten in to working on mobile phones and some laptop problems. With that said....Is there something that I just might be missing? It's NOT a huge deal as the cd burner still works. BIUT with todays paint by number mentality" before long it's going to tskr a terabyte of RAM to open any webpage.. INSANE!I mean I can remember being on the internet on an old 8086 machine with almost 0 RAM. Swapiles mainly.It had a 30mg hard drive and even though one actually had to know a tiny bit about what it took to make a PC run not just point and click look stupid and drool alot. Anyone who has had a similar problem? what was the answer? OR even just a point in the right direction. Ive uninstalled and re-installed from the device manager. BOTH DVD burners show up and re-install themselves but when I get to the dvd burning wizard it says stupid things like no disk in drive and the like. HELP!!

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