Stuck Pregnancy Ok so here's what happened... I bought this game (Catz5) and installed it back in like 2006. However I ended up not playing everyday and uninstalled it after moving all the pets into an outside folder so I wouldn't lose them. I recently reinstalled it, on a flash drive, and brought my older pets out to discover that one of my cats was pregnant. This had to have happened before I originally uninstalled the game. At the time I didn't know there was such a thing as a stuck pregnancy so I figured in 3-5 days the babies would be born. That was roughly 7-9 days ago. I'd say it's a safe bet that it's a stuck pregnancy after I did some research. Will it fix itself? If not what do I have to do to fix it. I tried the PETZa thing but it wont work if they are already pregnant
Computers & Internet - Ubi Soft - Catz 5 (Windows) (680901) for PC
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