January 2021 1 8 Report
What is proper funeral etiquette to go or no to go.....Yes please my closet and dearest friend just past away last Saturday and I've been pretty much the only one whose bothered with him for the past 12 years his family pretty much disowned him any one seen him once in the past 6 yeaes even his obituary seem disrespectful abd cold for it gives his name date of birth and the day died I find very unloveling and bit disrespectful that they didnt write in his family menbers like normally .but anyways his family never approbed of me because I m not of the same decent (Macedonian-Greek) and don't and know that im won't be very welcome there regardles if he didn't have much love from his 'blood' family he was my friend and my family in our own way. Is it wrong for me to pay respects mysrlf after his family had his funeral where I can say good bye all up and personal and close just they they do and not from watching at a distance . even though I feel that I should be the one there for and be the one to lye him to rest
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